Monday, August 12, 2013


I've been a bit off lately.

As you know I was in Calgary, Alberta for a few days.
I had been asked to speak.
What a great opportunity.
On Friday I'd spent the day learning about nutrition and dietary allergies.
Pretty interesting stuff at a dental conference.
Since I was to speak on Saturday, 
I made the choice to head to my hotel early Friday evening and run through my presentation.
When I finished at 10:30 p.m.,
I received the "wheel of death" and 
my hard drive crashed.
Right then.
I had a decision to make,
I could go to the convention center and see if the evening party was still going,
find someone willing to lend me their computer
find a coffee shop that was still open
download my program from the web
download my presentation
and then go to bed . . .
and hope I would be well rested
I could go to bed and pray the computer fairies came to visit.
I went to bed.
I had learned all about belly breathing as a way to help with anxiety that day in my nutrition class,
so I belly breathed away
and set my sleep cycle app,
'letting it know' I was going to bed crazy STRESSED.
And that was that.
The next morning I awoke to find the computer fairies hadn't shown up.
Wouldn't you know!
I dressed,
and prepared
my new presentation,
which would include my story of why I didn't have a presentation
just in case.

I ran into the woman, who was in charge of all the speakers, in the elevator,
she seemed to hyperventilate when she learned of my computer issues.
I assured her it would be fine.
We walked to the convention center together, where she told everyone we met
how my computer had died and I had no presentation.
I assured them all,
including the person who'd gone way out of his way to get me on the program at such an illustrious conference, that it would be fine. I would be fine. 
I found a computer guru and 
he hooked me up with a computer
the internet
15 minutes later
I was ready to go
with my presentation.

There I am . . .

And there's the crowd. 
They were awesome!
The presentation went off without any more challenges.
And all I did was add to my presentation,
how to white water raft.
I'll tell you about that later.

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